Monday, September 21, 2009

The Northeast Pioneer Greenway (NPG) is former rail line which has been turned into an active transportation corridor providing connectivity to the Forks and downtown area in the south. Future greenway expansion in the north will provide an important link to East St Paul and to Birds Hill Park.
During this past summer, the City left large portions of this trail uncut to help determine the extent of remnant tall grass prairie. Much to the surprise of many residents, many tall grass prairie species are still in the area, and many sections of the trail remain as pristine examples of tall grass prairie.
Due to urbanisation and agriculture, tall grass prairie is considered to be an even more endangered ecosystem than the rain forest. Of the original 6000 square kilometres of tall grass prairie in Manitoba, over 99% is now farmland.
Munroe is working to re-naturalize a portion of this of this Greenway, returning the area to its original tall grass prairie state. In doing so, we will follow guidelines set out to develop a model Biosphere (a natural area co-existing with encroaching urban development).
There is only one Canadian Biosphere Reserve in Manitoba, located at Riding Mountain National Park (Clear Lake). We intend to model this Biosphere in the naturalisation of Munroe’s designated portion the NPG.

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